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Debunking 5 Misconceptions About Outsourced ABA Billing

#1 Misconception: Billing companies just want 3-5%.

Any honest billing company will tell you that, yes, they do want 3-5% of your collections — but they have the expertise and capabilities to earn it. They will also incentivize you to make more money, help you collect more through billing best practices, and partner with you to optimize your in-house system (and staff) to increase revenue. How?

  • If they pick up on a mistake you or your designated biller is making, they will not only fix it, but teach you how to as well, and explain the reasoning behind it. Educating you will not just fix this one problem, but similar incidents down the road.
  • Quality billing companies will provide the oversight and transparency needed to see what’s really going on with your practice. Is there a payor or client that is consistently late, or delinquent, on payments? Well, now you know — and can do something about it.
  • Billing staff and/or Operations Directors at ABA practices have a lot on their plate. It can be easy to let things fall by the wayside — like following up with payors on rejected claims or handling contract issues. This is something a managed billing service will handle for you, quickly and with expertise.

Any legitimate charging organization will disclose to you that, indeed, they do need 3-5% of your Claim – yet they have the ability and capacities to procure it. They will likewise boost you to get more cash flow, assist you with gathering more through charging best practices, and cooperate with you to streamline your in-house framework (and staff) to build an income. How you may ask? 

• Billing staff, as well as Operations Directors at ABA rehearses, have too much going on. It tends to be not difficult to allow things to drop off the radar – like circling back to payors on dismissed cases or taking care of agreement issues. This is something an oversaw charging administration will deal with for you, rapidly and with mastery.

• If they get on a mix-up you or your assigned biller is making, they won’t just fix it, yet show you how to also, and clarify the thinking behind it. Instructing you won’t simply fix this one issue, however, comparative episodes are not too far off. 

• Any Reputed billing organizations will give the oversight and straightforwardness expected to perceive what’s truly going on with your training. Is there a payor or customer that is reliably late, or procrastinating on installments? All things considered, presently you know – and can take care of business. 

• Billing staff, as well as Operations Directors at ABA rehearses, have too much going on. It tends to be not difficult to allow things to drop off the radar – like circling back to payors on dismissed cases or taking care of agreement issues. This is something an oversaw charging administration will deal with for you, rapidly and with mastery.

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